Business Development
Business Development
The Business Development (BD) Group of AMPRI Bhopal was established on the behest of CSIR with an aim to provide services to enhance financial resources of the institute by coordinating business activities. The division provides a bridge between the institute and the outside agencies by supporting in existing areas of proven technologies and attracting new companies towards technological development. BD identifies and analyzes new areas of business in a planned and systematic manner for the commercialization of technologies to the public sector and private entrepreneurs. The institute lays considerable emphasis on the quality of its services to the stakeholders, mainly on deliverables against the externally funded projects. This activity is a measure to determine to what level the service or product meets the customer expectations, considering requirements in terms of both quality and service.
The activities of BD group are primarily focused on the following areas:
- Intellectual Property Management
The IPR system encourages creativity to maintain technological superiority to sustain and enhance the economic benefits. The intellectual property includes patents, copyrights and design. The activities involve:
- Motivating researchers for strong IP culture.
- Drafting patent specifications.
- Liaison with IPMD, CSIR for updating records.
- Development and maintenance of knowledgebase of patents filedTechnology Transfer
The activities regarding the transfer of technologies developed at AMPRI involve:
- Preparation of technology profiles for a view at glance.
- Liaison with NRDC, PPD, CSIR.
- Negotiations, exchanges and feedbacks from entrepreneurs showing interest in AMPRI technologies.
- Drafting and finalizing license agreement.
- Establishing license fee of processes.
- Royalty collection.
- Development of database of potential technologies for commercialization.
- Customer Satisfaction Evaluation
The activities involve:
- Preparation of questionnaire to get the customer feedback on the quality of service provided.
- Liaison with the customer to get their valuable feedback.
- Providing necessary feedback to scientists in the laboratory to improve the processes, wherever required.
- Interaction with Customer Satisfaction Evaluation Unit (CSEU), CSIR for Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) determination