planning & Performace

Project Planning & Monitoring

Planning & Performance Division (PPD) works as a focal point for monitoring and evaluation of the scientific projects and programs of the institute. PPD work as bridge between lab and CSIR HQ for management of research and development activities. Coordination for Intellectual Property Right Management, International collaboration, Business Development activities, drafting of agreements related with Research and Development, Technology/Knowhow transfer is being done through PPD.

PPD acts as central repository of the project documents, progress reports, and utilization reports, project completion reports. PPD is the central agency for monitoring and evaluation of the projects for the committed deliverables in a time bound manner and progress of utilization of the funds to meet the mandated objectives of the project.

PPD is also a key player in framing projects for five year plans / short term projects of CSIR through transparent consultative process among the CSIR-AMPRI scientists and other interested appropriate network project partners.

Facilitation and implementation of the programmes by release/ rephrasing and re-appropriation of funds and issue of the new project numbers. Participation in project review meetings, implementation of mid course corrections, organizing the Research Council meetings, Preparation of Agenda and Minutes of the meeting and Coordination with Audit related with R&D activities, are the other activities of the Division.