Selected Publications: - Neeraj Dwivedi, A. K. Ott, K. Sasikumar, C. Dou, R. J. Yeo, B. Narayanan, U. Sassi, D. D. Fazio, G. Soavi, T. Dutta, O. Balci, S. Shinde, J. Zhang, A. K. Katiyar, P. S. Keatley, A. K. Srivastava, S. K. R. S. Sankaranarayanan, A. C. Ferrari, C. S. Bhatia, Graphene Overcoats for Ultra-High Storage Density Magnetic Media, Nature Communications, 2021, 12, 3437.
- Neeraj Dwivedi, Reuben J. Yeo, Chetna Dhand, Jared Risan, Richard Nay, Sudhiranjan Tripathy, Sukumar Rajauria, M. S. M. Saifullah, Subramanian K. R. S. Sankaranarayanan, Hyunsoo Yang, Aaron Danner, Charanjit S. Bhatia, Boosting contact sliding and wear protection via atomic intermixing and tailoring of nanoscale interfaces, Science Advances, 2019,5,eaau7886.
- Neeraj Dwivedi, Tarak Patra, Jae-Bok Lee, Reuben J. Yeo, Srilok Srinivasan, Tanmay Dutta, K. Sasikumar, C. Dou, R. J. Yeo, B. Narayanan, U. Sassi, D. D. Fazio, G. Soavi, T. Dutta, Chetna Dhand, Sudhiranjan Tripathy, M. S. M. Saifullah, Aaron Danner, S. A. R. Hashmi, A. K. Srivastava, Jong-Hyun Ahn, Subramanian K. R. S. Sankaranarayanan, Hyunsoo Yang, Charanjit S. Bhatia, Slippery and wear resistant surfaces enabled by interface engineered graphene, 2020,20,905-917.
- Neeraj Dwivedi, Reuben J. Yeo, Hui, R. Tan, Rolf Stangl, Armin G. Aberle, Charanjit S. Bhatia, Baochen Liao, Evidence for Chemicals Intermingling at Silicon/Titanium Oxide (TiOx) Interface and Existence of Multiple-Bonding-States in Monolithic TiOx, Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28, 1707018.
- Neeraj Dwivedi, Reuben J. Yeo, Zheng Zhang, Chetna Dhand, S. Tripathy, C. S. Bhatia, Interface Engineering and Controlling the Friction and Wear of Ultrathin Carbon Films: High sp3 versus High sp2 Carbons, Advanced Functional Materials, 2016, 26, 1526-1542.