

S. No.
कार्य का शीर्षक/नाम
Title / Name of Work
विवरण  / Details इएमडी / EMD प्रारंभ तिथि Start Date  अंतिम तिथि Last Date  खोलने की तिथि Opening Date of Tender
23. सीएसआईआर-एएमपीआरआई, भोपाल में स्टोर के लिए शेड का निर्माण / Construction of shed for Store at CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document Rs. 53000/- 09.12.2019 upto 03:30 PM 10.12.2019 at 03:30 PM
22. सीएसआईआर-एएमपीआरआई, भोपाल में एल्युमीनियम सिल्लियों के भंडारण के लिए शेड का निर्माण / Construction of shed for storing Aluminum ingots at CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document Rs. 8000/- 02.12.2019 upto 03:30 PM 03.12.2019 at 03:30 PM
21. बैलिस्टिक परीक्षण के लिए लाइट गैस गन सुविधा की खरीद/Procurement of Light Gas Gun Facility for Ballistic Testing एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document
निविदा दस्तावेज़/Tender Document
05.11.2019 25.11.2019 upto 11:00 AM 26.11.2019 at 11:00 AM
20. हाइड्रोजन और नाइट्रोजन गैस पर्जिंग के साथ ट्यूबलर फर्नेस की खरीद/Procurement of Tubular Furnace with Hydogen and Nitrogen Gas Purging एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document
निविदा दस्तावेज़/Tender Document
22.10.2019 11.11.2019 upto 11:00 AM 12.11.2019 at 11:00 AM
19. सीएसआईआर-एएमपीआरआई, भोपाल में मुख्य मैदान के चारों ओर स्ट्रीट लाइट की एसआईटीसी/SITC of Street lights around main ground at CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document Rs. 20000/- 31.10.2019 upto 03:30 PM 01.11.2019 at 03:30 PM
18. वर्कशाप के स्टाफ केविन की फ़ाल्स सीलिंग का कार्य एनआईक्यू दस्तावेज़/NIQ Document Rs. 3000/- 18.10.2019 24.10.2019 upto 05:30 PM 25.10.2019 at 03:30 PM
17. सुरक्षा सेवा के लिए संविदा कर्मचारी/Contract Workers For Security Service एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/ NIT Document
निविदा दस्तावेज़/Tender Document
Rs. 120000/- 31.10.2019 upto 01:00 PM 01.11.2019 at 02:00 PM
16. गेस्ट हाउस और कैंटीन के साथ हाउसकीपिंग के लिए अनुबंध/Contract For Housekeeping With Guest House and Canteen) एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/ NIT Document
निविदा दस्तावेज़/Tender Document
Rs.380000/- 31.10.2019 upto 01:00 PM 01.11.2019 at 02:00 PM
15. बागवानी के लिए जनशक्ति (कार्मिक)/Manpower (personnel) for Horticulture एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document
निविदा दस्तावेज़/Tender Document
Rs. 35000/- 31.10.2019 upto 01:00 PM 01.11.2019 at 02:00 PM
14. सफाई के लिए जनशक्ति (कार्मिक)/Manpower (Personnel) for Cleaning एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document
निविदा दस्तावेज़/Tender Document
Rs. 48000/- 31.10.2019 upto 01:00 PM 01.11.2019 at 02:00 PM
13.  निदेशक वाहन पार्किंग के निर्माण हेतु निविदा  एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/ NIT Document Rs. 3000/- 19.09.2019 26.9.2019 upto 5:30 PM 27.09.2019 at 3:30 PM
12. सीएसआईआर-एएमपीआरआई, भोपाल में एमएसयू लैब का नवीनीकरण/Renovation of MSU Lab at CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document Rs. 32000/- 26.09.2019 upto  03:30PM   27.09.2019 at  03:30 PM
11. निदेशक के वाहन के लिए पर्किंग का निर्माण/Construction of Perking for Director’s Vehicle एनआईक्यू दस्तावेज़/NIQ Document Rs. 3000/- 05.09.2019 12.09.2019 upto  05:30 PM  13.09.2019 at  03:30 PM
10. इलेक्ट्रोकेमिकल कार्य स्टेशन/Electrochemical work station एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document
निविदा दस्तावेज़/Tender Document
12.09.2019 19.09.2019 upto  03:00 PM  20.09.2019 at  03:00 PM
9. एएमपीआरआई, भोपाल में टीईएम सुविधा के लिए नवीनीकरण और रीवायरिंग/Renovation and Rewiring for TEM facility at AMPRI, Bhopal एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document Rs. 26100/- 16.09.2019 upto  03:30 PM  17.09.2019 at  03:30 PM
8. एएमपीआरआई, भोपाल में पुरानी फाउंड्री में टीईएम की स्थापना/Installation of TEM in Old Foundry at AMPRI, Bhopal एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document Rs. 88100/- 16.09.2019 upto  03:30 PM  17.09.2019 at  03:30 PM
7. एएमपीआरआई, भोपाल में सी-टाइप क्वार्टर के सामने पेवर ब्लॉक कोर्टयार्ड का निर्माण/Construction of Paver Block Courtyard in front of C-Type Quarters at AMPRI, Bhopal एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document Rs. 12500/- 16.09.2019 upto  03:30 PM  17.09.2019 at  03:30 PM
6. टाइप II क्वार्टरों में तार की जाली वाले दरवाजे का प्रावधान/Provision of wire mesh door in occupied type II Quarters एनआईक्यू दस्तावेज़/NIQ Document Rs. 3800/- 29.07.2019 05.08.2019 upto  05:30PM  06.08.2019 at  03:30 PM
5.  सीमित पूछताछ बागवानी कार्य-कोटेशन के संबंध में।/Limited inquiry Horticulture work- quotation reg. सीमित पूछताछ दस्तावेज़/Limited Inquiry Document 24.06.2019 27.06.2019 upto  12:00PM   27.06.2019 at  12:30 PM 
4. एएमपीआरआई, भोपाल में टाइप III क्वार्टर में एग्जॉस्ट पंखा उपलब्ध कराने के लिए कोटेशन/Quotation for Providing of Exhaust fan in Type III Quarter at AMPRI,Bhopal एनआईक्यू दस्तावेज़/NIQ Document 19.06.2019 27.06.2019 upto  03:00 PM  27.06.2019 at  03:30 PM 
3. इलेक्ट्रोकेमिकल वर्क स्टेशन/ Electrochemical work station एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document
निविदा दस्तावेज़/Tender Document
NIL 14.06.2019 08.07.2019 upto  11:00 AM  09.07.2019 at  11:00 AM 
2. एएमपीआरआई, भोपाल में एयर कंडीशनर और वाटर कूलर के लिए व्यापक वार्षिक रखरखाव दर संपर्क/Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Rate Contact for Air Conditioners and Water Coolers at AMPRI, Bhopal एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document Rs. 11000/- 14.06.2019 upto  06:00 PM  17.06.2019 at  09:00 AM 
1. सीएसआईआर-उन्नत सामग्री और प्रक्रिया अनुसंधान संस्थान, भोपाल, मध्य प्रदेश 462026 के लिए प्रस्तावित अत्याधुनिक फाइव स्टार रेटेड ग्रीन बिल्डिंग के निर्माण के लिए वास्तुकार की नियुक्ति/Appointment of Architect for Construction of the proposed State-of-the Art Five Star Rated Green Building for CSIR-Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462026 एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document
पूर्व-योग्यता दस्तावेज़/Pre-Qualification_Documents
24.05.2019 14.06.2019 upto  03:00 PM 17.06.2019 at  03:00 PM 



S. No. Title / Name of Work Details/Download Tender Documents EMD Start Date  Last Date of Receipt/Opening of Tender
34. High Speed Camera Download NIT Document 21.03.2019 (upto 11:00AM) and the same will be opened on 22.03.2019 at 11:00 AM 
33. Magnesium Melt Pump With Heater

Download NIT Document

 Tender Document

07.03.2019 21.03.2019 (upto 11:00AM) and the same will be opened on 22.03.2019 at 11:00 AM 
32. X-ray Attenuation Testing Machine including Dosimeter

Download NIT Document

 Tender Document

RS. 65000.00 07.03.2019  21.03.2019 (upto 11:00AM) and the same will be opened on 22.03.2019 at 11:00 AM
31. Renovation work of EMF Laboratory Download NIQ Document 07.03.2019 11.03.2019 (upto 03:00PM) and the same will be opened on 11.03.2019 at 03:00 PM
30. p/f False Ceiling and Fixing Light of SEM Download NIQ Document 06.03.2019 12.03.2019 (upto 05:30PM) and the same will be opened on 13.03.2019 at 03:30 PM
29. Zirconia oxygen sensor Download Tender Document 15.02.2019 28.02.2019 (upto 11:00AM) and the same will be opened on 01.03.2019 at 11:00 AM
28. Aluminum alloy 2024, 5083,7075 Download Tender Document 15.02.2019 28.02.2019 (upto 11:00AM) and the same will be opened on 01.03.2019 at 11:00 AM
27. Fule Cell Test Station with Frequency Response Analyser. Download Tender Document RS. 100000.00 18.02.2019 07.03.2019 (upto 11:00AM) and the same will be opened on 08.03.2019 at 11:00 AM
26. Aluminum Ingots LM-25, LM-13, ADC-12. Download Tender Document 18.02.2019 28.02.2019 (upto 11:00AM) and the same will be opened on 01.03.2019 at 11:00 AM
25. Extension of First Floor above Polymer Lab at AMPRI, Bhopal Download Tender Document Rs. 62000.00 25.02.2019 (upto 03:30PM) and the same will be opened on 26.02.2019 at 03:30 PM
24. Electrification of First floor above polymer lab at AMPRI, Bhopal. Download Tender Document Rs. 9500.00 25.02.2019 (upto 03:30PM) and the same will be opened on 26.02.2019 at 03:30 PM
23. Laying of Cable in Characterization
lab, IT Building and water Tank at AMPRI, Bhopal
Download Tender Document  Rs. 7500.00  – 21.02.2019 (upto 03:30PM) and the same will be opened on 22.02.2019 at 03:30 PM
22. X-Ray and UTM Room Partition and false ceiling work at AMPRI, Bhopal  Download NIT and Quotation Format 13.02.2019 19.02.2019 (upto 05:30PM) and the same will be opened on 20.02.2019 at 03:30 PM

 3 D Rapid Prototype Machine

Download Tender Document

05.02.2019 19.02.2019 (upto 11:00AM) and the same will be opened on 20.02.2019 at 11:00 AM

CSIR-CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal, INDIA, invites e-tenders through “Central Public Procurement Portal” from manufacturers, and Indian Agent of Foreign principals, if any, for purchase of:

Vacuum Hot Press 100 ton Cap.

Download NIT

Download Tender Document

Rs. 125000.00 18/12/2018 07.01.2019 (up to 11.00 AM) and the same will be open on  08.01.2019 (11.00 AM)


Construction of Aluminium Cabins for Equipments at ACM Division and other  allied work at AMPRI,Bhopal

Download NIT & Quotation Format

at 5.00 PM
13.12.2018 at  5.30 PM 

Replacement of old panel and other electrical work in ACM Department at AMPRI, Bhopal

Download NIT


24.12.2018 at 5:30 PM and the same will be opened  on 26.12.2018 at 09:00 AM


CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal, INDIA, invites e-bids from manufacturers, and Indian Agents of Foreign principals, if any, for purchase of Equipment listed below, for submitting their quotations, in two bids system

ग्रिड एनालाय्जर / Grid Analyzer

Download NIT 

Download Tender 

NIL (With Bid  Securing 
Declaration form)
31.12.2018 at 11:00 AM and the same will be opened on 01.01.2019 at 11:00 AM
16. CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal, INDIA, invites e-tenders (Under Two Bid System) through “Central Public Procurement Portal” from
manufacturers, and Indian Agent of Foreign principals, if any, for purchase of फील्ड  एमिशन  ट्रान्समिशन  इलेक्ट्रॉन  मइक्रोस्कोप /Field Emission Transmission Electron Microscope (FETEM)
Download Tender Document Rs. 17,50,000/- 07.12.2018 22.12.2018 (upto 5:00 PM) and the same will be opened  on  24.12.2018 (11:00 AM)
15. NOTICE INVITING QUOTATION ( 1154 /6.11.2018) रेडिएशन  शील्डिंग में पेवर ब्लाक, पुताई, खिड़की दरवाजा एवं वेंटिलेशन का कार्य डाउनलोड  एनआईटी एवं कोटेशन फॉर्म  13.12.18 at 05:00 PM 13.12.18 at 05:00 PM and the same will be opened on 14.12.18 at 03:30 PM

“Amendment to the Bidding Document of Transmission Electron Microscope Sample Preparation Facility”

CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal, INDIA, invites e-bids from manufacturers, and Indian Agents of Foreign principals, if any, for purchase of Equipment listed below, for participating in Pre-Bid Conference and later submitting their quotations, in two bids system

ट्रांसमिशन  इलेक्ट्रॉन  मइक्रोस्कोप  सैम्पल  प्रिपरेशन  फैसिलिटी /Transmission Electron Microscope Sample Preparation Facility

Amended Specifications after Pre-Bid Conference
Download Global NIT
Download Tender Document
Rs. 4,00,000/- 06/11/2018 04.12.2018 at 11:00 AM and the same will be opened on 05.12.2018 at 11:00 AM
13. Quotation for Fabrication of a separate aluminium partition and false ceiling for Raman Spectrometer  Download Document 30.10.2018 6.11.2018  (Up to 05:30PM) and the same will be opened on 08.11.2018 at 02.30  PM 

Providing and placing on terrace (at all floor levels ) PVC water storage tank 3 layer with cover & fittings etc

 Download Document 30.10.2018

6.11.2018  (Up to 05:30PM) and the same will be opened on 08.11.2018 at 02.30  PM 


Repairing, Painting, Flooring and other allied work in  MEMS Centre  at AMPRI,Bhopal.

Download NIT 28.12.2018

3.1.2019 at 5.30PM

4.1.2019 at 3.30 PM


Aluminum partition work

 Download Document 03.01.2019 10.01.2019

Digital Multimeter

 Download Document 15.01.2019 30.01.2019

Zirconia Oxygen Sensor

 Download Document 15.01.2019 30.01.2019

Fuel Cell test station with frequency response analyser

Download Enquiry Document
Download NIT Document
6.01.2019 07.02.2019

Construction of Shed for Dr. Mandal’s Lab at AMPRI, Bhopal.

Download Document Rs.6,500.00  – 30.01.19 at 03:30 PM

Construction of Shed Behind IT Building at AMPRI, Bhopal.

Download Document Rs.13,500.00 –  31.01.19 at 03:30 PM

Electric cold Isostatic press CIP

Download Document 23.01.2019 05.02.2019

Hydraulic Fix Frame Press

Download Document 22.01.2019 07.02.2019

Grid analyser

Download Document 23.01.2019 12.02.2019

Hydraulic press with hot platens

Download Document 22.01.2019 11.02.2019


Equipment , Civil / Electrical Works , Others

Civil/ Electrical Works

S.No. Title/Name of Work



Start Date Last date of receipt/Opening  of Tender

 E-bids through “Central Public Procurement Portal”( https://etenders.gov.in) for Procurement of:

Automatic Servo Controlled Computerized  Compression  & Flexure Testing Machine

Download NIT

20.08.2018  (11 AM)

21.08.2018   (11AM)


Aluminium partition and false ceiling work in water resource division at AMPRI, Bhopal

शुद्धि – पत्र

Download NIT

शुद्धि पत्र डाउनलोड करें 

18.06.18 at 03:00 PM

18.06.18 at 03:00 PM/

19.06.18 at 03:00PM

3 TENDER FOR INVITATION FOR E-BIDS: Contract for Freight Forwarding on Consolidation basis from various countries to India and Customs Clearance of imported consignments at Delhi Customs and transportation upto CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal

Download NIT

Download Tender Document


18/06/2018 (at 11.00 am)/

19/06/2018 (at 11.00 am)


निविदा आमन्त्रण सूचना

Aluminium Partition work for making Cabin in polymer Lab at AMPRI, Bhopal

Download NIT

Download Schedule of Quantity 

Download Terms & conditions


15.03.18 3.00 cts

fufonk [kqyus dk le;

15.03.18 3.30 cts


शुद्धि पत्र

सीएसआईआर-एम्प्री द्वारा दिनांक 27.02.18 एवं दिनांक 02.03.18 में प्रकाशित हुई निविदा में कुछ परिवर्तन किए गये हैं|


डाउनलोड शुद्धिपत्र


E-Tender Notice

Renovation of Director Bungalow at AMPRI Bhopal

Download NIT 06/03/2018 08.03.2018 at 03.00 PM 09.03.2018 at 03.00 PM
7 Maintenances and Up gradation of main ground at AMPRI, Bhopal Download NIT 26/02/2018

05/03/2018 up to 3:00 PM /

05/03/2018 up to 3:00 PM

8 Flooring work and painting of trusses BMD at AMPRI, Bhopal  Download NIT 26/02/2018

05/03/2018 up to 3:00 PM /

05/03/2018 up to 3:00 PM

9 Up-gradation and development of area around Main Building, Auditorium and Low lying area at AMPRI, Bhopal  Download NIT 26/02/2018

05/03/2018 up to 3:00 PM /

05/03/2018 up to 3:00 PM

10 Landscaping work in children park Front of guest House at AMPRI, Bhopal  Download NIT 26/02/2018

05/03/2018 up to 3:00 PM /

05/03/2018 up to 3:00 PM

11 Maintenance and Up gradation work of Toilets in MSU and BMD Division at AMPRI Bhopal  Download NIT  6 Feb. 2018

12.12.2017  at 03:00  PM

13.12.2017 at  03:30 PM

12 Fixing of Tiles and Painting Work at ACM Division at AMPRI Bhopal  Download NIT  6 Feb. 2018

12.12.2017  at 03:00  PM

13.12.2017 at  03:30 PM

    13  Chemical Cleaning of Water Tank at AMPRI Bhopal  Download NIT  6 Feb. 2018

12.12.2017  at 03:00  PM

13.12.2017 at  03:30 PM

14 Maintenance in LWMM Lab at AMPRI Bhopal  Download NIT  6 Feb. 2018

12.12.2017  at 03:00  PM

13.12.2017 at  03:30 PM

S.No. Date of Issue of Document Subject Date of Closing
1. 31.05.2007 NOTICE INVITING TENDER No.1 (304) 2006 -Works 11.06.2007
2. 23.01.2007 NOTICE INVITING TENDER No.1 (305) 2006 -Works 01.02.2007
3. 22.01.2007 NIT/Gen. 1/2007 for HIRING OF TAXIES 06.02.2007
4. 19.01.2007 NOTICE INVITING TENDER NO. RRL/2006-07/4 05.02.2007
5. 16.01.2007 Two Bid Limited Tender for Micro Processor based Fiber Strength Testing Machine Click Here 07.02.2007
6. 10.01.2007 Two Bid Limited Tender for Structured Cabling 31.01.2007
7. 28.11.2006 Two Bid Limited Tender for Fiber Strength Testing Machine 27.12.2006
8. 27.11.2006 NOTICE INVITING TENDER No. RRL/Stores/Disposal (1)/2006-07 11.12.2006
9. 30.10.2006 NOTICE INVITING TENDER No.1/2006/INST 29.11.2006
10. 12.10.2006 NOTICE INVITING TENDER/Gen. 2/2006 for Hiring of Taxies 27.10.2006
11. 16.10.2006 Notice Inviting Tender No. RC/2006-07/01 for Annual Rate Contract of Printing 30.10.2006
12. 18.9.2006 NOTICE INVITING TENDER NO.RC/2006-07/03 27.9.2006
13. 14.08.2006 NOTICE INVITING TENDER No. Gen.-1/2006 04.09.2006
14. 04.08.2006 NOTICE INVITING TENDER NO.RC/2006-07/02 06.09.2006

Information relating to Purchaser Order issued in respect of equipment costing Rs.10 Lacs & above in 2009-2010


Sr.No. Name of the Firm Specification of the Item Total Cost
1. M/s. MBraun Inertgas Systeme, Co Ltd, China Glove Box FOB US$30,296.43 i.e. Rs.14,14,237.00
2. M/s.Union Process., U.S.A. Lab. Cryo Mill FOB US$40,329.26 i.e. Rs.18,75,714.00
3. M/s. Bruker AXS GmbH., Germany High Temp. attachment X-ray Diffractrometer FOB Euro 40,450.00 i.e. Rs.26,40,172.00
4. M/s.Tinius Olsen Ltd., U.K. Universal Testing M/c FOB Pound 21,676.00 i.e. Rs.14,95,210.00
5. M/s. Spectro A.I. GmbH., Germany Optical Emission Spectrometer FOB US$51230.00 i.e. Rs.23,28,404.00
6. M/s. Instron-A Division of Illinois Tool Works Inc., U.S.A. High Impact Energy Tester FOB US$75040.00 i.e. Rs.34,65,347.00
7. M/s.FEI Company of USA., Singapore NOVA Nano SEM 430 CIF Euro2,60,270.01 i.e. Rs.1,62,79,889.00
8. M/s. OXFORD Instruments Analytical., U.K. OXFORD Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer EDS & EBSD attachment for FESEM FOB US$1,32,450.00 i.e. Rs.59,78,793.00
9. M/s.KB Pruftechnik – GmbH., Germany Universal Hardness Tester FOB Euro 51,794.00 i.e. Rs.32,35,053.00
10. M/s.Vacuum Techniques Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore Controlled Atmosphere & vacuum horizontal high temp. furnace Rs.31,87,012.00

Information relating to Purchaser Order issued in respect of Equipment costing Rs.25.00 Lacs and above 2009-2010


S.No. No. of Tender Sold & Name of the Equipment Name of the Firm responded within due dt. and time Amount quoted by each Firm Name of the lowest Tenderer Name of the Firm to which work has been awarded
1. Nil, Pur(14)/EQ-09, Universal Hardness Tester

1. M/s. Vivid Technologies., Thane

2. M/s. Unitron Instrumentation Tech. Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore

3. M/s. Precision Measuring Instruments Co., Mumbai

4. M/s. Aimil Ltd., Vadodara 5. M/s. Machine Tools (I) Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal

Technically Disqualified Rs.33,10,005.24 (Euro 51794.00) Rs.49,94,955.00 Rs.33,14,630.00 Disqualified as EMD not submitted 1. M/s.Unitron Instrumentation Tech. Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore (Indian Agent) M/s.KB Pruftechnik – GmbH., Germany (Principal) M/s.KB Pruftechnik – GmbH., Germany
2. Nil, Pur(31)/EQ-09, High Energy Impact Tester 1. M/s. Aimil Ltd., Vadodara 2. M/s.Instron (I) Pvt. Ltd., Chennai Rs.36,75,785.00 Rs.35,64,017.00 (US$75040.00) 1. M/s.Instron (I) Pvt. Ltd., Chennai (Indian Subsidiary ) M/s.Instron-A Division of Illinois Tool Works Inc., U.S.A. (Principal) M/s.Instron-A Division of Illinois Tool Works Inc., U.S.A.
3. Nil, Pur(22)/EQ-09, X-ray Diffractrometer Proprietary item Rs.26,40,172.00 (Euro 40,450.00) 1. M/s.Bruker AXS GmbH., Germany M/s.Bruker AXS GmbH., Germany
4. Nil, Pur(12)/EQ-09, FESEM 1. M/s. Carl Zeiss (I), New Delhi 2. M/s.Icon Analytical Equipment Pvt. Ltd., Delhi 3. M/s.Forevision Instrument (I) Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad Technically Disqualified Rs.2,10,98,183.00 (EURO 2,60,270.01) Rs.2,25,58,500.00 1. M/s. Icon Analytical Equipment Pvt. Ltd., Delhi (Indian Agent) M/s.FEI Company of USA., Singapore (Principal) M/s.OXFORD Instruments Analytical., U.K. (Principal) M/s.FEI Company of USA., Singapore for NOVA Nano SEM 430 M/s. OXFORD Instruments Analytical., U.K. for EDS & EBSD attachment for FESEM
5. Nil, Pur(33)/EQ-09, Controlled Atmosphere & vacuum horizontal high temp. furnace

1. M/s. Vacuum Techniques Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore

2. M/s. Sandvik Asia Ltd., Bangalore

3. M/s. Hind High Vacuum Co. Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore

4. M/s. Dynatech Furnace Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai

5. M/s. Madhuchitt Industries, Mumbai

6. Therelek Furnaces Pvt. Ltd., Thane

7. M/s. Naskar And Co., Howrah

8. M/s.Innova Lab. Instruments Pvt. Ltd., Delhi

Rs.31,87,012.00 Rs.49,26,026.00 Rs.48,80,850.00 Rs65,75,000.00 Technically Disqualified 1. M/s. Vacuum Techniques Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore M/s. Vacuum Techniques Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore