क्र. S. No. |
कार्य का शीर्षक/नाम Title / Name of Work |
विवरण / Details | इएमडी / EMD | प्रारंभ तिथि Start Date | अंतिम तिथि Last Date | खोलने की तिथि Opening Date of Tender |
23. | सीएसआईआर-एएमपीआरआई, भोपाल में स्टोर के लिए शेड का निर्माण / Construction of shed for Store at CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal | एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document | Rs. 53000/- | – | 09.12.2019 upto 03:30 PM | 10.12.2019 at 03:30 PM |
22. | सीएसआईआर-एएमपीआरआई, भोपाल में एल्युमीनियम सिल्लियों के भंडारण के लिए शेड का निर्माण / Construction of shed for storing Aluminum ingots at CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal | एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document | Rs. 8000/- | – | 02.12.2019 upto 03:30 PM | 03.12.2019 at 03:30 PM |
21. | बैलिस्टिक परीक्षण के लिए लाइट गैस गन सुविधा की खरीद/Procurement of Light Gas Gun Facility for Ballistic Testing | एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document निविदा दस्तावेज़/Tender Document |
– | 05.11.2019 | 25.11.2019 upto 11:00 AM | 26.11.2019 at 11:00 AM |
20. | हाइड्रोजन और नाइट्रोजन गैस पर्जिंग के साथ ट्यूबलर फर्नेस की खरीद/Procurement of Tubular Furnace with Hydogen and Nitrogen Gas Purging | एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document निविदा दस्तावेज़/Tender Document |
– | 22.10.2019 | 11.11.2019 upto 11:00 AM | 12.11.2019 at 11:00 AM |
19. | सीएसआईआर-एएमपीआरआई, भोपाल में मुख्य मैदान के चारों ओर स्ट्रीट लाइट की एसआईटीसी/SITC of Street lights around main ground at CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal | एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document | Rs. 20000/- | – | 31.10.2019 upto 03:30 PM | 01.11.2019 at 03:30 PM |
18. | वर्कशाप के स्टाफ केविन की फ़ाल्स सीलिंग का कार्य | एनआईक्यू दस्तावेज़/NIQ Document | Rs. 3000/- | 18.10.2019 | 24.10.2019 upto 05:30 PM | 25.10.2019 at 03:30 PM |
17. | सुरक्षा सेवा के लिए संविदा कर्मचारी/Contract Workers For Security Service | एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/ NIT Document निविदा दस्तावेज़/Tender Document |
Rs. 120000/- | – | 31.10.2019 upto 01:00 PM | 01.11.2019 at 02:00 PM |
16. | गेस्ट हाउस और कैंटीन के साथ हाउसकीपिंग के लिए अनुबंध/Contract For Housekeeping With Guest House and Canteen) | एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/ NIT Document निविदा दस्तावेज़/Tender Document |
Rs.380000/- | – | 31.10.2019 upto 01:00 PM | 01.11.2019 at 02:00 PM |
15. | बागवानी के लिए जनशक्ति (कार्मिक)/Manpower (personnel) for Horticulture | एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document निविदा दस्तावेज़/Tender Document |
Rs. 35000/- | – | 31.10.2019 upto 01:00 PM | 01.11.2019 at 02:00 PM |
14. | सफाई के लिए जनशक्ति (कार्मिक)/Manpower (Personnel) for Cleaning | एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document निविदा दस्तावेज़/Tender Document |
Rs. 48000/- | – | 31.10.2019 upto 01:00 PM | 01.11.2019 at 02:00 PM |
13. | निदेशक वाहन पार्किंग के निर्माण हेतु निविदा | एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/ NIT Document | Rs. 3000/- | 19.09.2019 | 26.9.2019 upto 5:30 PM | 27.09.2019 at 3:30 PM |
12. | सीएसआईआर-एएमपीआरआई, भोपाल में एमएसयू लैब का नवीनीकरण/Renovation of MSU Lab at CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal | एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document | Rs. 32000/- | – | 26.09.2019 upto 03:30PM | 27.09.2019 at 03:30 PM |
11. | निदेशक के वाहन के लिए पर्किंग का निर्माण/Construction of Perking for Director’s Vehicle | एनआईक्यू दस्तावेज़/NIQ Document | Rs. 3000/- | 05.09.2019 | 12.09.2019 upto 05:30 PM | 13.09.2019 at 03:30 PM |
10. | इलेक्ट्रोकेमिकल कार्य स्टेशन/Electrochemical work station | एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document निविदा दस्तावेज़/Tender Document |
– | 12.09.2019 | 19.09.2019 upto 03:00 PM | 20.09.2019 at 03:00 PM |
9. | एएमपीआरआई, भोपाल में टीईएम सुविधा के लिए नवीनीकरण और रीवायरिंग/Renovation and Rewiring for TEM facility at AMPRI, Bhopal | एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document | Rs. 26100/- | – | 16.09.2019 upto 03:30 PM | 17.09.2019 at 03:30 PM |
8. | एएमपीआरआई, भोपाल में पुरानी फाउंड्री में टीईएम की स्थापना/Installation of TEM in Old Foundry at AMPRI, Bhopal | एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document | Rs. 88100/- | – | 16.09.2019 upto 03:30 PM | 17.09.2019 at 03:30 PM |
7. | एएमपीआरआई, भोपाल में सी-टाइप क्वार्टर के सामने पेवर ब्लॉक कोर्टयार्ड का निर्माण/Construction of Paver Block Courtyard in front of C-Type Quarters at AMPRI, Bhopal | एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document | Rs. 12500/- | – | 16.09.2019 upto 03:30 PM | 17.09.2019 at 03:30 PM |
6. | टाइप II क्वार्टरों में तार की जाली वाले दरवाजे का प्रावधान/Provision of wire mesh door in occupied type II Quarters | एनआईक्यू दस्तावेज़/NIQ Document | Rs. 3800/- | 29.07.2019 | 05.08.2019 upto 05:30PM | 06.08.2019 at 03:30 PM |
5. | सीमित पूछताछ बागवानी कार्य-कोटेशन के संबंध में।/Limited inquiry Horticulture work- quotation reg. | सीमित पूछताछ दस्तावेज़/Limited Inquiry Document | – | 24.06.2019 | 27.06.2019 upto 12:00PM | 27.06.2019 at 12:30 PM |
4. | एएमपीआरआई, भोपाल में टाइप III क्वार्टर में एग्जॉस्ट पंखा उपलब्ध कराने के लिए कोटेशन/Quotation for Providing of Exhaust fan in Type III Quarter at AMPRI,Bhopal | एनआईक्यू दस्तावेज़/NIQ Document | – | 19.06.2019 | 27.06.2019 upto 03:00 PM | 27.06.2019 at 03:30 PM |
3. | इलेक्ट्रोकेमिकल वर्क स्टेशन/ Electrochemical work station | एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document निविदा दस्तावेज़/Tender Document |
NIL | 14.06.2019 | 08.07.2019 upto 11:00 AM | 09.07.2019 at 11:00 AM |
2. | एएमपीआरआई, भोपाल में एयर कंडीशनर और वाटर कूलर के लिए व्यापक वार्षिक रखरखाव दर संपर्क/Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Rate Contact for Air Conditioners and Water Coolers at AMPRI, Bhopal | एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document | Rs. 11000/- | — | 14.06.2019 upto 06:00 PM | 17.06.2019 at 09:00 AM |
1. | सीएसआईआर-उन्नत सामग्री और प्रक्रिया अनुसंधान संस्थान, भोपाल, मध्य प्रदेश 462026 के लिए प्रस्तावित अत्याधुनिक फाइव स्टार रेटेड ग्रीन बिल्डिंग के निर्माण के लिए वास्तुकार की नियुक्ति/Appointment of Architect for Construction of the proposed State-of-the Art Five Star Rated Green Building for CSIR-Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462026 | एनआईटी दस्तावेज़/NIT Document पूर्व-योग्यता दस्तावेज़/Pre-Qualification_Documents |
– | 24.05.2019 | 14.06.2019 upto 03:00 PM | 17.06.2019 at 03:00 PM |
S. No. | Title / Name of Work | Details/Download Tender Documents | EMD | Start Date | Last Date of Receipt/Opening of Tender |
34. | High Speed Camera | Download NIT Document | – | – | 21.03.2019 (upto 11:00AM) and the same will be opened on 22.03.2019 at 11:00 AM |
33. | Magnesium Melt Pump With Heater | – | 07.03.2019 | 21.03.2019 (upto 11:00AM) and the same will be opened on 22.03.2019 at 11:00 AM | |
32. | X-ray Attenuation Testing Machine including Dosimeter | RS. 65000.00 | 07.03.2019 | 21.03.2019 (upto 11:00AM) and the same will be opened on 22.03.2019 at 11:00 AM | |
31. | Renovation work of EMF Laboratory | Download NIQ Document | – | 07.03.2019 | 11.03.2019 (upto 03:00PM) and the same will be opened on 11.03.2019 at 03:00 PM |
30. | p/f False Ceiling and Fixing Light of SEM | Download NIQ Document | – | 06.03.2019 | 12.03.2019 (upto 05:30PM) and the same will be opened on 13.03.2019 at 03:30 PM |
29. | Zirconia oxygen sensor | Download Tender Document | – | 15.02.2019 | 28.02.2019 (upto 11:00AM) and the same will be opened on 01.03.2019 at 11:00 AM |
28. | Aluminum alloy 2024, 5083,7075 | Download Tender Document | – | 15.02.2019 | 28.02.2019 (upto 11:00AM) and the same will be opened on 01.03.2019 at 11:00 AM |
27. | Fule Cell Test Station with Frequency Response Analyser. | Download Tender Document | RS. 100000.00 | 18.02.2019 | 07.03.2019 (upto 11:00AM) and the same will be opened on 08.03.2019 at 11:00 AM |
26. | Aluminum Ingots LM-25, LM-13, ADC-12. | Download Tender Document | – | 18.02.2019 | 28.02.2019 (upto 11:00AM) and the same will be opened on 01.03.2019 at 11:00 AM |
25. | Extension of First Floor above Polymer Lab at AMPRI, Bhopal | Download Tender Document | Rs. 62000.00 | – | 25.02.2019 (upto 03:30PM) and the same will be opened on 26.02.2019 at 03:30 PM |
24. | Electrification of First floor above polymer lab at AMPRI, Bhopal. | Download Tender Document | Rs. 9500.00 | – | 25.02.2019 (upto 03:30PM) and the same will be opened on 26.02.2019 at 03:30 PM |
23. | Laying of Cable in Characterization lab, IT Building and water Tank at AMPRI, Bhopal |
Download Tender Document | Rs. 7500.00 | – | 21.02.2019 (upto 03:30PM) and the same will be opened on 22.02.2019 at 03:30 PM |
22. | X-Ray and UTM Room Partition and false ceiling work at AMPRI, Bhopal | Download NIT and Quotation Format | – | 13.02.2019 | 19.02.2019 (upto 05:30PM) and the same will be opened on 20.02.2019 at 03:30 PM |
21. |
3 D Rapid Prototype Machine |
– | 05.02.2019 | 19.02.2019 (upto 11:00AM) and the same will be opened on 20.02.2019 at 11:00 AM | |
20. |
CSIR-CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal, INDIA, invites e-tenders through “Central Public Procurement Portal” from manufacturers, and Indian Agent of Foreign principals, if any, for purchase of: Vacuum Hot Press 100 ton Cap. |
Rs. 125000.00 | 18/12/2018 | 07.01.2019 (up to 11.00 AM) and the same will be open on 08.01.2019 (11.00 AM) |
19. |
NOTICE INVITING QUOTATION 315/06.12.2018 Construction of Aluminium Cabins for Equipments at ACM Division and other allied work at AMPRI,Bhopal |
– | 07.12.2018 to 13.12.2018 at 5.00 PM |
13.12.2018 at 5.30 PM | |
18. |
Replacement of old panel and other electrical work in ACM Department at AMPRI, Bhopal |
Rs.5,500.00 |
– |
24.12.2018 at 5:30 PM and the same will be opened on 26.12.2018 at 09:00 AM |
17. |
CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal, INDIA, invites e-bids from manufacturers, and Indian Agents of Foreign principals, if any, for purchase of Equipment listed below, for submitting their quotations, in two bids system ग्रिड एनालाय्जर / Grid Analyzer |
NIL (With Bid Securing Declaration form) |
– | 31.12.2018 at 11:00 AM and the same will be opened on 01.01.2019 at 11:00 AM | |
16. | CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal, INDIA, invites e-tenders (Under Two Bid System) through “Central Public Procurement Portal” from manufacturers, and Indian Agent of Foreign principals, if any, for purchase of फील्ड एमिशन ट्रान्समिशन इलेक्ट्रॉन मइक्रोस्कोप /Field Emission Transmission Electron Microscope (FETEM) |
Download Tender Document | Rs. 17,50,000/- | 07.12.2018 | 22.12.2018 (upto 5:00 PM) and the same will be opened on 24.12.2018 (11:00 AM) |
15. | NOTICE INVITING QUOTATION ( 1154 /6.11.2018) रेडिएशन शील्डिंग में पेवर ब्लाक, पुताई, खिड़की दरवाजा एवं वेंटिलेशन का कार्य | डाउनलोड एनआईटी एवं कोटेशन फॉर्म | – | 13.12.18 at 05:00 PM | 13.12.18 at 05:00 PM and the same will be opened on 14.12.18 at 03:30 PM |
14. |
“Amendment to the Bidding Document of Transmission Electron Microscope Sample Preparation Facility” CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal, INDIA, invites e-bids from manufacturers, and Indian Agents of Foreign principals, if any, for purchase of Equipment listed below, for participating in Pre-Bid Conference and later submitting their quotations, in two bids system ट्रांसमिशन इलेक्ट्रॉन मइक्रोस्कोप सैम्पल प्रिपरेशन फैसिलिटी /Transmission Electron Microscope Sample Preparation Facility |
Amended Specifications after Pre-Bid Conference Download Global NIT Download Tender Document |
Rs. 4,00,000/- | 06/11/2018 | 04.12.2018 at 11:00 AM and the same will be opened on 05.12.2018 at 11:00 AM |
13. | Quotation for Fabrication of a separate aluminium partition and false ceiling for Raman Spectrometer | Download Document | – | 30.10.2018 | 6.11.2018 (Up to 05:30PM) and the same will be opened on 08.11.2018 at 02.30 PM |
12. |
Providing and placing on terrace (at all floor levels ) PVC water storage tank 3 layer with cover & fittings etc |
Download Document | – | 30.10.2018 |
6.11.2018 (Up to 05:30PM) and the same will be opened on 08.11.2018 at 02.30 PM |
11. |
Repairing, Painting, Flooring and other allied work in MEMS Centre at AMPRI,Bhopal. |
Download NIT | – | 28.12.2018 |
3.1.2019 at 5.30PM 4.1.2019 at 3.30 PM |
10. |
Aluminum partition work |
Download Document | – | 03.01.2019 | 10.01.2019 |
9. |
Digital Multimeter |
Download Document | – | 15.01.2019 | 30.01.2019 |
8. |
Zirconia Oxygen Sensor |
Download Document | – | 15.01.2019 | 30.01.2019 |
7. |
Fuel Cell test station with frequency response analyser |
Download Enquiry Document Download NIT Document |
– | 6.01.2019 | 07.02.2019 |
6. |
Construction of Shed for Dr. Mandal’s Lab at AMPRI, Bhopal. |
Download Document | Rs.6,500.00 | – | 30.01.19 at 03:30 PM |
5. |
Construction of Shed Behind IT Building at AMPRI, Bhopal. |
Download Document | Rs.13,500.00 | – | 31.01.19 at 03:30 PM |
4. |
Electric cold Isostatic press CIP |
Download Document | – | 23.01.2019 | 05.02.2019 |
3. |
Hydraulic Fix Frame Press |
Download Document | – | 22.01.2019 | 07.02.2019 |
2. |
Grid analyser |
Download Document | – | 23.01.2019 | 12.02.2019 |
1. |
Hydraulic press with hot platens |
Download Document | – | 22.01.2019 | 11.02.2019 |
Equipment , Civil / Electrical Works , Others
Civil/ Electrical Works
S.No. | Title/Name of Work |
Details/ Download |
Start Date | Last date of receipt/Opening of Tender |
1 |
E-bids through “Central Public Procurement Portal”( https://etenders.gov.in) for Procurement of: Automatic Servo Controlled Computerized Compression & Flexure Testing Machine |
– |
20.08.2018 (11 AM) 21.08.2018 (11AM) |
2 |
Aluminium partition and false ceiling work in water resource division at AMPRI, Bhopal शुद्धि – पत्र |
18.06.18 at 03:00 PM |
18.06.18 at 03:00 PM/ 19.06.18 at 03:00PM |
3 | TENDER FOR INVITATION FOR E-BIDS: Contract for Freight Forwarding on Consolidation basis from various countries to India and Customs Clearance of imported consignments at Delhi Customs and transportation upto CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal | 01/06/2018 |
18/06/2018 (at 11.00 am)/ 19/06/2018 (at 11.00 am) |
4 |
निविदा आमन्त्रण सूचना Aluminium Partition work for making Cabin in polymer Lab at AMPRI, Bhopal |
09.03.2018 |
15.03.18 3.00 cts fufonk [kqyus dk le; 15.03.18 3.30 cts |
5 |
शुद्धि पत्र सीएसआईआर-एम्प्री द्वारा दिनांक 27.02.18 एवं दिनांक 02.03.18 में प्रकाशित हुई निविदा में कुछ परिवर्तन किए गये हैं| |
6 |
E-Tender Notice Renovation of Director Bungalow at AMPRI Bhopal |
Download NIT | 06/03/2018 | 08.03.2018 at 03.00 PM 09.03.2018 at 03.00 PM |
7 | Maintenances and Up gradation of main ground at AMPRI, Bhopal | Download NIT | 26/02/2018 |
05/03/2018 up to 3:00 PM / 05/03/2018 up to 3:00 PM |
8 | Flooring work and painting of trusses BMD at AMPRI, Bhopal | Download NIT | 26/02/2018 |
05/03/2018 up to 3:00 PM / 05/03/2018 up to 3:00 PM |
9 | Up-gradation and development of area around Main Building, Auditorium and Low lying area at AMPRI, Bhopal | Download NIT | 26/02/2018 |
05/03/2018 up to 3:00 PM / 05/03/2018 up to 3:00 PM |
10 | Landscaping work in children park Front of guest House at AMPRI, Bhopal | Download NIT | 26/02/2018 |
05/03/2018 up to 3:00 PM / 05/03/2018 up to 3:00 PM |
11 | Maintenance and Up gradation work of Toilets in MSU and BMD Division at AMPRI Bhopal | Download NIT | 6 Feb. 2018 |
12.12.2017 at 03:00 PM 13.12.2017 at 03:30 PM |
12 | Fixing of Tiles and Painting Work at ACM Division at AMPRI Bhopal | Download NIT | 6 Feb. 2018 |
12.12.2017 at 03:00 PM 13.12.2017 at 03:30 PM |
13 | Chemical Cleaning of Water Tank at AMPRI Bhopal | Download NIT | 6 Feb. 2018 |
12.12.2017 at 03:00 PM 13.12.2017 at 03:30 PM |
14 | Maintenance in LWMM Lab at AMPRI Bhopal | Download NIT | 6 Feb. 2018 |
12.12.2017 at 03:00 PM 13.12.2017 at 03:30 PM |
Information relating to Purchaser Order issued in respect of equipment costing Rs.10 Lacs & above in 2009-2010
Sr.No. | Name of the Firm | Specification of the Item | Total Cost |
1. | M/s. MBraun Inertgas Systeme, Co Ltd, China | Glove Box | FOB US$30,296.43 i.e. Rs.14,14,237.00 |
2. | M/s.Union Process., U.S.A. | Lab. Cryo Mill | FOB US$40,329.26 i.e. Rs.18,75,714.00 |
3. | M/s. Bruker AXS GmbH., Germany | High Temp. attachment X-ray Diffractrometer | FOB Euro 40,450.00 i.e. Rs.26,40,172.00 |
4. | M/s.Tinius Olsen Ltd., U.K. | Universal Testing M/c | FOB Pound 21,676.00 i.e. Rs.14,95,210.00 |
5. | M/s. Spectro A.I. GmbH., Germany | Optical Emission Spectrometer | FOB US$51230.00 i.e. Rs.23,28,404.00 |
6. | M/s. Instron-A Division of Illinois Tool Works Inc., U.S.A. | High Impact Energy Tester | FOB US$75040.00 i.e. Rs.34,65,347.00 |
7. | M/s.FEI Company of USA., Singapore | NOVA Nano SEM 430 | CIF Euro2,60,270.01 i.e. Rs.1,62,79,889.00 |
8. | M/s. OXFORD Instruments Analytical., U.K. | OXFORD Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer EDS & EBSD attachment for FESEM | FOB US$1,32,450.00 i.e. Rs.59,78,793.00 |
9. | M/s.KB Pruftechnik – GmbH., Germany | Universal Hardness Tester | FOB Euro 51,794.00 i.e. Rs.32,35,053.00 |
10. | M/s.Vacuum Techniques Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore | Controlled Atmosphere & vacuum horizontal high temp. furnace | Rs.31,87,012.00 |
Information relating to Purchaser Order issued in respect of Equipment costing Rs.25.00 Lacs and above 2009-2010
S.No. | No. of Tender Sold & Name of the Equipment | Name of the Firm responded within due dt. and time | Amount quoted by each Firm | Name of the lowest Tenderer | Name of the Firm to which work has been awarded |
1. | Nil, Pur(14)/EQ-09, Universal Hardness Tester |
1. M/s. Vivid Technologies., Thane 2. M/s. Unitron Instrumentation Tech. Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore 3. M/s. Precision Measuring Instruments Co., Mumbai 4. M/s. Aimil Ltd., Vadodara 5. M/s. Machine Tools (I) Pvt. Ltd., Bhopal |
Technically Disqualified Rs.33,10,005.24 (Euro 51794.00) Rs.49,94,955.00 Rs.33,14,630.00 Disqualified as EMD not submitted | 1. M/s.Unitron Instrumentation Tech. Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore (Indian Agent) M/s.KB Pruftechnik – GmbH., Germany (Principal) | M/s.KB Pruftechnik – GmbH., Germany |
2. | Nil, Pur(31)/EQ-09, High Energy Impact Tester | 1. M/s. Aimil Ltd., Vadodara 2. M/s.Instron (I) Pvt. Ltd., Chennai | Rs.36,75,785.00 Rs.35,64,017.00 (US$75040.00) | 1. M/s.Instron (I) Pvt. Ltd., Chennai (Indian Subsidiary ) M/s.Instron-A Division of Illinois Tool Works Inc., U.S.A. (Principal) | M/s.Instron-A Division of Illinois Tool Works Inc., U.S.A. |
3. | Nil, Pur(22)/EQ-09, X-ray Diffractrometer | Proprietary item | Rs.26,40,172.00 (Euro 40,450.00) | 1. M/s.Bruker AXS GmbH., Germany | M/s.Bruker AXS GmbH., Germany |
4. | Nil, Pur(12)/EQ-09, FESEM | 1. M/s. Carl Zeiss (I), New Delhi 2. M/s.Icon Analytical Equipment Pvt. Ltd., Delhi 3. M/s.Forevision Instrument (I) Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad | Technically Disqualified Rs.2,10,98,183.00 (EURO 2,60,270.01) Rs.2,25,58,500.00 | 1. M/s. Icon Analytical Equipment Pvt. Ltd., Delhi (Indian Agent) M/s.FEI Company of USA., Singapore (Principal) M/s.OXFORD Instruments Analytical., U.K. (Principal) | M/s.FEI Company of USA., Singapore for NOVA Nano SEM 430 M/s. OXFORD Instruments Analytical., U.K. for EDS & EBSD attachment for FESEM |
5. | Nil, Pur(33)/EQ-09, Controlled Atmosphere & vacuum horizontal high temp. furnace |
1. M/s. Vacuum Techniques Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore 2. M/s. Sandvik Asia Ltd., Bangalore 3. M/s. Hind High Vacuum Co. Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore 4. M/s. Dynatech Furnace Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai 5. M/s. Madhuchitt Industries, Mumbai 6. Therelek Furnaces Pvt. Ltd., Thane 7. M/s. Naskar And Co., Howrah 8. M/s.Innova Lab. Instruments Pvt. Ltd., Delhi |
Rs.31,87,012.00 Rs.49,26,026.00 Rs.48,80,850.00 Rs65,75,000.00 Technically Disqualified | 1. M/s. Vacuum Techniques Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore | M/s. Vacuum Techniques Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore |