Name Dr. Manoj Kumar Gupta
Designation Scientist
& Assistant Professor ( AcSIR)
Address & Contact CSIR-Advanced Materials Processes and
Research Institute, Hoshangabad Road. Bhopal,
Madya Pradesh, India
Contact Number +91-755-2457609 Extn 1242,
FAX: +91-755-2457042,
Mobile : +91-9977360351
Nanoscale Composite Materials, Nanostructures Functional Materials, Energy Harvesting
1 Scientist , CSIR-Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute (AMPRI) , from May
2017 to till date
2 DST-INSPIRE Faculty, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal
From October 2014 – May 2017
3 Postdoc Fellow, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea From October 2011 – October 2014
Qualification Specialization Year Division University/Institute
Ph.D Physics
(Material Science)
2012 — University of Delhi, Delhi
M.Sc. Physics 2006 1st DDU Gorakhpur University
B.Sc Physics, Math 2004 1st DDU Gorakhpur University
DST-INSPIRE Faculty Award (December, 2013)
Senior Research Fellowship (DST Project)
Junior Research Fellowship (DST Project)
CSIR-Research Intern Award
Ist Prize, Best Oral Presentation Award, (National Workshop on Renewable Energy & Environment,
University of Delhi, Delhi)
1. Highly efficient flexible piezoelectric nanogenerator and femtosecond two-photon absorption
properties of nonlinear lithium niobate nanowires, MK Gupta, J Aneesh, R Yadav, KV Adarsh, SW
Kim, Journal of Applied Physics 121 (2017) 175103. (I.F: 2.185)
2. Y-doped ZnO nanosheets: Gigantic piezoelectric response for an ultra-sensitive flexible
piezoelectric nanogenerator, N Sinha, S Goel, AJ Joseph, H Yadav, K Batra, M. K. Gupta, B Kumar
Ceramics International 44, (2018) 8582-8590
3. Flexible High-Performance Lead-Free Na0.47K0.47Li0.06NbO3 Microcube-Structure-Based
Piezoelectric Energy Harvester,Manoj Kumar Gupta, S-W Kim, B. Kumar ACS Appl. Mater.
Interfaces 8 (2016) 1766−1773. (I.F: 6.67).
4. Nanopatterned textile-based wearable triboelectric nanogenerator, W. Seung, Manoj Kumar Gupta,
K.Y. Lee, K.S. Shin, J.H. Lee, T.Y. Kim, S. Kim, J. H Kim, S.-W. Kim, ACS Nano (2015) 9 3501.
(I.F: 12.062). (Highlighted in Discovery News, Zee News, ABP News, The Economics Times,
Business Standard, The Times of India, Financial Express, The New York Daily News etc)
5. Controllable Charge Transfer by Ferroelectric Polarization Mediated Triboelectricity, K. Y. Lee, S.
K. Kim, J.-H. Lee, D. Seol, M. K. Gupta, Y. Kim, S.W Kim, Advanced Functional Materials,
(2016), 26. 3067. (I.F: 11.80).
6. Micropatterned P (VDF‐TrFE) Film‐Based Piezoelectric Nanogenerators for Highly Sensitive
Self‐Powered Pressure Sensors, J. H. Lee, H.J. Yoon, T.Y. Kim, Manoj Kumar Gupta, J. H. Lee, W.
Seung, H. Ryu, S.W. Kim, Advanced Functional Materials 25 (2015) 3203. (I.F: 11.80).
7. Ferroelectric Polarization in CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite, H. S Kim, S. K Kim, B. J Kim, K. S Shin,
Manoj Kumar Gupta, H. S Jung, S.W. Kim, N.G. Park, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
6 (2015) 1729–1735. (I.F: 7.458).
8. Transparent flexible stretchable piezoelectric and triboelectric nanogenerators for powering portable
electronics, K.Y. Lee*, Manoj K Gupta*, Sang Woo Kim, Nano Energy, 14, (2015) 139-160. (I.F.
12.343) (* Equal Contribution, Review Article)
9. High-performance hybrid cell based on an organic photovoltaic device and a direct current
piezoelectric nanogenerator, G.C. Yoon, K. S. Shin, Manoj Kumar Gupta, K.Y. Lee, J.H. Lee, Z.L.
Wang, S.W. Kim, Nano Energy 12, (2015) 547-555 (I.F. 12.343)
10. Depletion width engineering via surface modification for high performance semiconducting
piezoelectric nanogenerators, K. Y. Lee, J.Bae, S. M. Kim, J-H. Lee, G. C. Yoon, Manoj Kumar
Gupta, S. Kim, H. Kim, J. Park, S-W Kim, Nano Energy, 8 (2014) 165. (I. F: 12.343)
11. Self-Compensated insulating ZnO-based piezoelectric nanogenerator, D. Kim, K. Y. Lee, Manoj
Kumar Gupta, S. Majumder, and S.-W. Kim, Advanced Functional Materials, 24, (2014) 6949–
6955 (I. F: 12.12)
12. Enhanced piezoelectric output voltage and Ohmic behavior in Cr-doped ZnO nanorods N. Sinha, G.
Ray, S. Godara, Manoj K Gupta, B. Kumar, Materials Research Bulletin 59 (2014) 267. (I. F :
13. Hydrophobic sponge structure-based triboelectric nanogenerator, K. Y. Lee, J. Chun, J-H. Lee, K.
N. Kim, N-R Kang, J. Y. Kim, M. H. Kim, K.-S. Shin, Manoj Kumar Gupta, J. M. Baik and S-W.
Kim, Advanced Materials, 26 (2014) 5037. (I. F : 19.791).
14. Ferroelectric coupling effect on energy band structure of hybrid heterojunction with self-organized
P(VDF-TrFE) nanomatrixes, K.-S. Shin, T. Y. Kim, G. C. Yoon, Manoj Kumar Gupta, S. K. Kim,
H. Kim, S. Kim, S. Min Kim and S-W. Kim, Advanced Materials, 26 (2014) 5619. (I. F: 19.791)
15. Transparent, flexible graphene triboelectric nanogenerators, S. Kim*, Manoj Kumar Gupta*, K. Y.
Lee, A. Sohn, T. Y. Kim, K.-S Shin, D. Kim, K. H. Lee, H.-J. Shin, D. W. Kim, and S.-W. Kim,
Advanced Materials, 26 (2014) 3918. (I. F: 19.791) (*equally contributed)
16. Highly stretchable hybrid pyroelectric piezoelectric nanogenerators, J-H Lee, K. Y. Lee, Manoj K.
Gupta, S. S. Kim, T. Y. Kim, D.-Y. Lee, W. J. Yoo, J. Oh, C. Ryu and S-W Kim, Advanced
Materials 26 (2014) 765. (I. F: 19.791).
17. Two-dimensional vanadium-doped ZnO nanosheet-based flexible direct current nanogenerator,
Manoj Kumar Gupta, J-H. Lee, K. Y. Lee, S.-W. Kim, ACS NANO, 7 (2013) 8932. (I. F: 13.942).
18. Unidirectional high-power generation via stress-induced dipole alignment from ZnSnO3
Nanocubes/Polymer Hybrid Piezoelectric Nanogenerator, K. Y. Lee, D. Kim, J-H Lee, T. Y. Kim,
Manoj Kumar Gupta, and S-W. Kim, Advanced Functional Materials, 24 (2013) 37. (I. F: 12.12).
19. Reliable operation of nanogenerator under ultraviolet light via engineering piezoelectric potential, T.
T. Pham, K. Y. Lee, J-H Lee, K. H. Kim, K. S. Shin, Manoj K. Gupta, B Kumar, and S-W. Kim,
Energy & Environmental Science, 6 (2013) 841. (I.F: 29.518)
20. Dielectric studies and band gap tuning of ferroelectric Cr-doped ZnO nanorods, Manoj K. Gupta, N.
Sinha and Binay Kumar, Journal of Applied Physics 112 (2012) 014303. (I. F: 2.068)
21. Optical and dielectric studies of solution grown glycinium maleate single crystal, N. Singh, B.K.
Singh, Manoj .K. Gupta, B. Kumar, Optics Communications, 285 (2012) 659. (I. F: 1.45).
22. Enhancement in ferroelectric, pyroelectric and photoluminescence properties in dye doped TGS
crystals, N. Sinha, N. Goel, B.K. Singh, Manoj .K. Gupta, Binay Kumar, Journal of Solid State
Chemistry, 190 (2012) 180. (I.F: 2.20)
23. High Tc Ferroelectricity in V-Doped ZnO Nanorods, Manoj K. Gupta and Binay Kumar, Journal of
Materials Chemistry C, 21 (2011) 14559. (I. F: 5.256)
24. Enhanced ferroelectric, dielectric and optical behaviour in Li-doped ZnO nanorods, Manoj K. Gupta
and Binay Kumar, Journal of Alloys and Compound 509 (2011) L208. (I. F: 2.726)
25. p- type K -doped ZnO Nanorods for opto-electronic applications, Manoj K. Gupta, N. Sinha and
Binay Kumar, Journal of Applied Physics 109 (2011) 083532. (I. F: 2.068)
26. Growth and characterization of new semi organic L-proline strontium chloride monohydrate single
crystals, Manoj K. Gupta, Nidhi Sinha and Binay Kumar, Physica B: Condensed Matter 406 (2011)
63. ( I. F: 1.276)
27. Effect of zinc chloride on structural, optical and dielectric behaviour of solution grown anthracene
crystal” N. Sinha, Manoj K. Gupta, N. Goel and Binay Kumar, Physica B: Condensed Matter 406
(2011) 3206. (I. F: 1.276)
28. Enhancement in dielectric and ferroelectric properties of lead free Bi0.5(Na0.5K0.5)0.5TiO3
ceramics by Sb-doping, K. Kumar, B. K. Singh, M. K. Gupta and Binay Kumar, Ceramic
International 37 (2011) 2997. (I. F: 2.086)
29. Synthesis of K-doped p-type ZnO urchin-like nanorods along (100) for ferroelectric and dielectric
applications, Manoj K. Gupta, N. Sinha, B. K. Singh and Binay Kumar, Materials Letters 64 (2010)
1825.( I. F: 2.269)
30. Synthesis and comparative study of ZnO nanorods for structural, optical and dielectric behaviour,
Manoj K. Gupta, N. Sinha and Binay Kumar, Integrated Ferroelectrics 118 (2010) 61. (I. F: 0.371)
31. Effect of electric field on dielectric, ac conduction and ferroelectric behaviour of flux grown
Pb(Zn1/3 Nb2/3)0.91Ti0.09O3 single crystals, B. K Singh, K. Kumar, Manoj. K. Gupta and Binay
Kumar, Physica Status Solidi A 207 (2010) 2564. ( I. F: 1.525)
32. Structural, dielectric, optical and ferroelectric property of urea succinic acid crystals grown in
aqueous solution containing Maleic Acid, B. K. Singh, N. Sinha, N. Singh, K. Kumar, Manoj K.
Gupta and Binay Kumar, J. Physics and Chemistry of Solids 71 (2010) 1774. (I. F: 1.594)
33. Piezoelectric, dielectric, optical and electrical characterization of solution grown flower- like ZnO
nanocrystal, Manoj K. Gupta, N. Sinha, B. K. Singh, N. Singh, K. Kumar, and Binay Kumar,
Materials Letters 63 (2009) 1910. ( I. F: 2.269)
34. Solution growth and comparative characterization of L-HFB single Crystal”, N. Sinha, Sahas, B.K.
Singh, K. Kumar, N. Singh, M. K. Gupta, G. C. Budakoti, and Binay Kumar, Cryst. Res.Technol 44
(2009)167. (I. F: 1.12)
PATENT Filed (INDIAN): A process for making moisture resistant glossy finish green hybrid composites
with variable density” (Patent Application Number: 201811016873 and 022NF2018), Asokan Pappu,
Manoj Kumar Gupta, Alka Mishra, Edward Peters, Ajay Kulshreshth, Sanjai Kumar Singh Rathore,
Avanish Kumar Srivastava.
Conferences/Seminar: 12
Invited Talk: 05
Research Gate
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